Personal Development

Head Students

“I joined Ebbsfleet Academy in year 9. My progression through the academy  has been truly great, from KS3 to KS5. The school has helped me further my educational journey and my personal journey, from extra tuition such as tutor2u and workshops helping every student open their future job aspects.  The academy has an extraordinary support system where there is always somebody available to talk with you from Place2Be to our amazing pastoral team and SLT members. The school is able to give every student a chromebook; this means that material deprivation is not an issue in our school allowing all students to shine brighter. I can whole-heartedly say that the school offers the very best education for all students.”

Head Student

“I’m Kacey – a student of The Ebbsfleet Academy. I’m part of the student leadership team as a deputy head girl of Attenborough College. I’ve been a student in this academy since year 7 and have witnessed the positive changes of student’s learning and behaviour, one being the change of resources such as the addition of Chromebooks. Chromebooks have changed the learning of students, giving them more freedom in their independent studies and everyone has access to home learning. The Academy is always looking for a way to include everyone and make everyone feel welcome and comfortable. We have lots of ways to connect students through events such as colour runs and sports day as well as lots of ways to support students’ mental health through Place2Be and a new addition to inclusivity – culture day.”

Deputy Head Student

“I have been part of the Ebbsfleet Academy family since year 7. The journey I have been on is unmatched with every single moment to be remembered. However, the beginning of this journey was a start many other people can relate to: a start of confusion and being overwhelmed by a new environment. But, through supportive members of staff and creating lasting friendships, this building has become a place where I can call my second home. With a year left at this academy, I look forward to it to see what is to come.”

Deputy Head Student

Three head students smiling for a photo in front of a blue wall

Student Leadership

At Ebbsfleet Academy, we realise the importance of student leadership and aim to give our students as many opportunities as possible to develop and show leadership skills. We have a range of different student leadership opportunities.


At the end of year 10, students are given the chance to become prefects which is one of the highest accolades of student leadership in the school. Our prefects, perform some of the following duties:

  • Helping to supervise students at break time and lunch time.
  • Greeting and meeting visitors and taking visitors on tours around the school. 
  • Helping at school celebration evenings such as prize giving and parents’ evenings.

Being a prefect is a great way for our students to give back to the school and act as role models, exemplifying what it is to model the Ebbsfleet Academy values. It is also a great opportunity for students to gain skills which will strengthen their CVs for college and sixth form applications.

Our senior prefects (Year 12 & 13 students), also benefit from leading and organising the perfect team which is a great way for them to develop their own leadership skills and improve their CVs for university.

Subject Ambassadors

Students across the key stages are given the chance to become subject ambassadors  which allows students to make a valuable contribution to school life. Our Ambassadors, perform some of the following duties:

  • Help to encourage other students to take part in subject led activities.
  • Help with special events such as new year 7 and options events.
  • Act as examples of excellence in learning
  • Assist with subject specific tours of the school.

Being an ambassador is a great way for our students to give back to the school and act as role models exemplifying what it is to be an active learner and model the MYP learner values. It is also a great opportunity for students to gain communication and leadership skills which will  develop their confidence as they move through the school.

Student Council

Students are given the chance to become members of the school council  which allows students to  work as a team to represent the student voice of the school. There is a KS3/4 student council and a sixth form student council. Our council representatives, perform some of the following duties:

  • Attend bi-weekly student council meetings
  • Lead and organise events to support the student voice of the school.
  • Support whole school events by participating in assemblies and special event weeks.
  • Take part in events to help the local community.

Being a member of the school council is a great way for our students to learn to collaborate in  a team and participate on projects which will help improve school life for students. It is also a great opportunity for students to gain communication and self management skills.


At Ebbsfleet Academy, PSHE/RSHE is delivered through our Life Skills curriculum, assemblies and by external speakers. Students in all year groups have a weekly Life Skills lesson delivered in tutor time, and a bi-weekly Life Skills Curriculum lesson as part of their timetable. The Life Skills curriculum is bespoke to Ebbsfleet academy and differentiated for each year group. Students study Life Skills through six key themes:

  • Being Me in My World
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me

Through these themes, students will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to successfully manage their lives now and in the future. Through the Life Skills curriculum, students develop the qualities and attributes needed to lead healthy, happy lives and to be independent, informed, active and responsible individuals, family members and members of society. 

More detail on the curriculum is shared each year with families in September and is available upon request.

SMSC / British Values

At Ebbsfleet Academy we strive to develop students who are responsible and respectful and have a strong moral purpose. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) education supports our students to become life-long learners and have constructive roles as citizens in the diverse and multicultural modern British society. A strong emphasis is placed on understanding and promoting British values across the Academy, as well as our own Academy Values (based on the IB learner profile).

At Ebbsfleet Academy we are committed to SMSC development across the curriculum, but also within our bespoke SMSC tutor time provision. SMSC development takes place in structured tutor time SMSC programme, Assemblies, Charity Weeks and other additional events throughout the year. SMSC is also embedded in the curriculum. Our students are encouraged to participate in a range of volunteering opportunities in the wider community. All staff members are aware of their duty to promote SMSC.


Children are taught and encouraged to:

  • Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination, creativity and reflection (Spiritual Development)
  • Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views (Moral Development)
  • Use a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the ‘British values’ of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance (Social Development)
  • Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity (Cultural Development)

British Values

Our PDC promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs, by teaching students to:

  • Understand how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process;
  • Appreciate that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety;
  • Understand that there is a separation of power between the executive and the judiciary;
  • Understand that freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law;
  • Accept that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour; 
  • Understand the importance of identifying and combating discrimination.


At Ebbsfleet Academy, we believe in providing additional opportunities outside of our curriculum that will allow students to explore new hobbies, skills and sports. The co-curricular programme is updated every two modules. Students can attend as many activities as they like each week, and all students are encouraged to attend at least one opportunity. These opportunities are available at lunch times and after school. Examples of opportunities include: sports clubs such as football, basketball and rowing; archery; drama club; music club; and homework support clubs for Maths and English. Students can sign up to the activities through SOCS, which they all have a login to.

Enrichment After School

Schedule Coming Soon

Educational Visits

At Ebbsfleet Academy, we believe in providing additional opportunities outside of the classroom that will allow students to explore the curriculum in more detail. Each year, there are Cultural Capital Days where all students have the opportunity to go on an educational visit which not only enriches the curriculum, but also enriches the students’ cultural capital.