Our Senior Leadership Team

  • Principal: Ms Gurjit Kaur Shergill
  • Vice Principal and Head of Attenborough College: Ms H Dennis
  • Assistant Principal of Attenborough College (KS3): Ms T Oyeniyi
  • Assistant Principal of Attenborough College (KS4): Mr H Macdonald
  • Assistant Principal of Attenborough College: Ms E Groom
  • Vice Principal and Head of Seacole College: Ms C Cardnell
  • Assistant Principal of Seacole College (KS3): Mr C Hicks
  • Assistant Principal of Seacole College (KS4): Ms J Ibrahim
  • Assistant Principal of KS5: Mr G Sehmbi
  • SENCO: Ms A Tunnard
  • PA to Principal and Office Manager: Ms N Coe