Transition and Times of Change Support Poster

Ebbsfleet Academy works with Place2Be, a children’s mental health charity that helps pupils explore their emotions and feel better about themselves.

Place2Be gives young people an opportunity within school to express their thoughts and feelings through talking and creative arts activities.

Why is Place2Be useful?

Place2Be exists to improve children’s mental health. Sometimes young people can feel particularly sad, confused, scared or angry. Maybe something difficult happened at home, such as losing a family member or parents separating. Or perhaps they’re struggling with something at school, like bullying or exam pressure. This can make them behave differently, lose confidence in themselves or find it difficult to concentrate in class. Place2Be is there to help young people find ways to cope, so their worries don’t get in the way of their friendships, their learning or how they feel about themselves.

What does Place2Be look like at Ebbsfleet Academy?

Ebbsfleet Academy works closely with a Place2Be qualified therapist working with our students. Their role is to oversee the project and work with students, families and staff to provide a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. 
Our Place2Be Mental Health Practitioner / Counsellor is Maisie Conetta.
Place2Be offers:
  • One to one counselling
  • Place2Talk: a lunch time drop in service for all students
  • Group work, including therapeutic groups and open workshops on specific topic
  • Parent Partnership to provide support and advice to families
  • Training and consultation sessions (Place2Think) for school staff
Photo of Maisie Conetta P2B

Maisie Conetta

 Maisie is based onsite Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.


All students at Ebbsfleet Academy can self-refer for a Place2Talk session with Maisie.
  • Place2Talk sessions are booked in advance by students via Place2Be appointment slips being posted in the Place2Talk post box, or by speaking with their pastoral leads or tutors.
  • Place2Talk sessions are held every day at break time, lunchtime and after school.
  • Place2Talk sessions are 20 minutes long.
For all other support from Place2Be, please speak with Maisie, your child’s pastoral lead or tutor to book an appointment; or post an appointment slip in the Place2Talk post box in the Place2Be corridor.