Art, Design & Technology

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curriculum intent

At Ebbsfleet Academy we believe a robust curriculum equips our young people to develop and grow into well rounded global citizens. 

Our KS3 curriculum is coherently planned and adapted to ensure we meet the individual needs of all our students whilst offering a breadth of study that is sequential in leading to both KS4 and 5 study.  We aim to develop our students’ digital skills that aids removal of barriers to learning and helps promote their independence through a curriculum that is designed sequentially from KS3 to KS5.

Cross curricular links are evident with other subjects such as English, Maths, Science and Geography so students can develop effective literacy and numeracy skills through digital technology. This leads to our young learners to become confident and competent readers, writers and speakers, whilst developing important analytical skills required for an ever-changing and competitive world. Students are challenged and stretched by developing their leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication skills in order to provide foundations for every aspect of school life and beyond.

We encompass the whole school core values throughout our curriculum to maximise its impact.

The Art, Design & Technology department comprises of the following subject areas across the three key stages:

  • KS3: Art; Computer Science; Food Technology; Product Design; and Textiles
  • KS4: Art, Craft and Design; Computer Science; Design Technology; Food and Nutrition; Textiles Design; and Three-Dimensional Design.
  • KS5: Computer Science; and Art & Design – Textiles Design and Three-Dimensional Design

See below for each subject’s specific curriculum intent.

At EA we allow our students to explore a variety of drawing media, materials and techniques, this will give our students a varied and enriching experience of the subject.

We enable students to discover and develop other skills such as research skills, writing skills, collaboration and problem-solving skills whilst building self-confidence to support them in all aspects of life.

We provide students with the necessary skills and facilitate confidence to communicate their ideas independently and build resilience through designing and creating unique artistic responses.

The basic ‘Elements of Art’ are embedded within the curriculum to ensure students feel confident and comfortable to explore their individual artistic ability. 

Clear knowledge of the foundations of Art and observational drawing skills equip the students with the necessary tools required to succeed in this subject.

The curriculum ensures the development of literacy and communication skills, whilst allowing them to see how the subject translates into the wider world looking at variety of artists, past and present.

Students are allowed the freedom to explore their own artistic inspirations and abilities. This leads to individuality and originality which is a key aspect of creating and exploring Art and self-development.

Students are encouraged to practice in-depth experimentations and research they will need to undertake at each stage of their learning journey. This means students already have the embedded knowledge needed to confidently progress through the key stages to reach their full potential successfully.

At KS3 we offer Product Design, where we ensure our students are exposed to a wide range of materials, processes and techniques, for example: wood joints, CAD programs, laser cutting, shaping of plastics and woods to allow students to gain a varied experience.

Enable students to research different design movements, read relevant texts, develop descriptive writing and articulate ideas and solutions whilst developing listening skills to enhance our students’ ability to communicate effectively in the real world.

Provide students with the skills to work and respond independently and build resilience through designing and making.

Deliver a range of projects taught over the three years, that will offer students the opportunity and experience to explore and use various materials and techniques and progress to KS4 Three-Dimensional Design and KS5 Three-Dimensional Design. This in turn helps to ensure our students have an educational experience that is rich and varied.

We consistently use prior knowledge and understanding to help students to follow the design cycle of researching, designing, making, evaluating which helps to embed the knowledge in each stage of every project.

Students are challenged and stretched by developing their leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication skills in order to provide foundations for every aspect of school life.

Textiles at EA provides a broad, balanced and challenging experience that fosters a love of learning. It is our intention to develop the whole child – mentally, socially, emotionally and physically within the creative world. We immerse our students in the vast array of creative crafts, techniques and processes to develop their skills. Our curriculum ensures students gain the traditional skills in textiles to form a solid foundation for further development at KS4 & KS5. We deliver an intellectually stimulating programme of study where students develop their creative capacities, ability to interpret artists and designer’s work and apply their prior and developing knowledge throughout their work. Students will also develop their critical understanding of the theoretical and conceptual issues central to the practice of textiles and the social, historical and cultural context in which it is practised. 

We care about our community so we maintain links with our partner schools to develop teaching, learning and other wider experiences for staff and students. We provide opportunities for students to engage in after school, such as enrichment sessions. We have forged links with the local primary schools where we deliver taster sessions to Year 5/6. Our curriculum will develop autonomous learners capable of applying intellectual and practical skills in Textile design appropriate to employment in the creative industries, further study or life-long learning.

Our curriculum applies the principles of nutrition and healthy eating, whilst developing a love of cooking in students.

Develop life skills that enables students to have the ‘know how’ to be able to feed themselves and others and make effective healthy lifestyle choices in their future.

Develop subject knowledge through theoretical content and practical lessons where they have the opportunity to refine and demonstrate their food preparation and cooking skills.

Develop knowledge and understanding of multicultural foods and allows students to increase their cultural capital by experiencing how different religions and ethical beliefs impact people’s food choices.

Enable students to study Food Preparation and Nutrition to allow them to seek healthier options regarding their own nutrition, or that of others, and understand the environmental impacts of the foods we consume; providing relevant career information for students to access further opportunities in the food industry.

topic overview

On a carousel / rotation


Abstract forms

Product Design

Structures: Bridge Project


Textiles basics
Memphis pencil case project

Food Technology

Balanced diet

On a carousel / rotation



Product Design

Nature / art deco inspired design
Make lantern project


Culture inspired cushion project

Food Technology

Factors affecting food choice

On a carousel / rotation


War and conflict


Tate Galleries bag project

Food Technology

Factors affecting food choice

Module 1

Organic forms

Module 2

Organic forms

Module 3

Old vs new

Module 4

Old vs new

Module 5


Module 6


Module 1

Natural forms lighting project

Module 2

Natural forms lighting project

Module 3

Natural forms lighting project

Module 4

3D design project

Module 5

3D design project

Module 6

3D design project

Module 1

Natural forms waistcoat project

Module 2

Natural forms waistcoat project

Module 3

Natural forms waistcoat project

Module 4

Artist / architect inspired textiles project

Module 5

Artist / architect inspired textiles project

Module 6

Artist / architect inspired textiles project

Module 1

Food safety

Module 2

Diet, nutrition and health

Module 3

Diet, nutrition and health

Module 4

Food choice

Module 5

Food provenance

Module 6

Food science

Module 1


Module 2


Module 3

Externally set exam project

Module 4

Externally set exam project

Module 5

Portfolio refinement

Module 6

Module 1


Module 2


Module 3

Externally set exam project

Module 4

Externally set exam project

Module 5

Portfolio refinement

Module 6

Module 1

Natural forms / floral / art movement / culture / costume project

Module 2

Natural forms / floral / art movement / culture / costume project

Module 3

Externally set exam project

Module 4

Externally set exam project

Module 5

Portfolio refinement

Module 6

Module 1

NEA task 1

Module 2

NEA task 2

Module 3

NEA task 2

Module 4


Module 5


Module 6
