In-Year Admissions
Applications for places made outside of the normal transition times are called “In-Year”. Applications at this time can be made directly to the Academy. We have an Admission Process that we follow which includes an Admission Meeting, requesting Student References from past schools, an Admission Test and an Admission Form that must all be completed before students can start at Ebbsfleet Academy.
If you have recently moved into the local area, there may be limited places available in existing year groups. Please complete and return an In Year Admission Form (IYAF) to register your interest and a member of the admissions team will contact you to discuss your application further.
Joining us in Year 7
If your child is currently in Year 6 and you are looking for a Year 7 school place, all applications are coordinated by Kent County Council. Online applications open from 1st September and close on 31st October each year. Ebbsfleet Academy does not accept direct applications for this transition until May.
Ebbsfleet Academy holds Open Events in July, September and October for families to view our facilities and to speak to Students and Staff.
Fair Ability Banding Test
All Year 6 primary students who name Ebbsfleet Academy in their list of preferences are required to sit a fair banding test. This is to ensure that children across the full ability range are admitted. It is not possible to pass or fail the test, but those not sitting the test at all, will only be prioritised after those children who have sat the test.
The fair banding test dates for 2025 is 7th December 2024 (9am-10:30am).
The Fair Ability Banding Test is now closed for enrolment in September 2025
Kent County Council manage the Year 7 transition process. If you have any questions, please contact them on 03000 412121 or email
National Offer Day
National Offer Day for children who have applied to join in September 2024 was Friday 1st March 2024.
If your child has been accepted for a place at Ebbsfleet Academy, your child will undertake a comprehensive transition programme, aimed at making the change to secondary school as smooth as possible. This will include the Transition Coordinator visiting the students in their Primary Schools, the students visiting the Academy on Transition Day. We also invite families in for an Evening meeting where we will share all the latest information with you.
Oversubscription Criteria
If we are oversubscribed preference will be given according to the following Kent County Council criteria (for full details see the Admission to Secondary Schools in Kent 2020 booklet):
- Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children
- Where the student has a brother or sister (birth, adopted or step sibling) currently attending Ebbsfleet Academy
- Proximity to the student’s home