Why this course?

Psychology is primarily a science subject that also demands many of the skills essential in humanities. It can therefore be regarded as a bridge between the two disciplines.  If you are interested in exploring human behaviour through a range of explanations  or perhaps gaining a greater level of insight with regards to yourself and those around you then Psychology may well be for you.

Course Content

  • Core Topics
    Biological Approach: Brain function, neurotransmission, and genetics.
    Cognitive Approach: Memory, perception, and decision-making.
    Sociocultural Approach: Social identity, cultural norms, and group dynamics.
  • Options (Choose One)
    Abnormal Psychology: Understanding mental disorders.
    Developmental Psychology: Human growth and development.
    Health Psychology: Psychological aspects of health and illness.
    Psychology of Human Relationships: Interpersonal relationships and social interactions.


Paper 1: Core Topics
40% of grade

Paper 2: Options
20% of grade

Paper 3: Research Methods (HL only)
20% of grade

Internal Assessment
Experimental Study

20% of grade

Student Profile

To study this course, students must:

  • Be curious about human behaviour
  • Possess strong analytical skills
  • Be comfortable with scientific methods
  • Have an interest in both qualitative and quantitative research

Complementary Subjects

  • Biology
  • Literature
  • Business Management

What could I do next?

Degree Subjects

Psychology can be studied as a course within its own right. It is recommended that students seek a British Psychological Society accredited course in which they will gain an MSC if they are aiming to progress further in the field of Psychology specifically. Alternatively there are  a wide range of courses where Psychology is combined with other disciplines.

Career Opportunities

  • Clinical psychology
  • Educational psychology
  • Counselling
  • Social work
  • Human resources
  • Marketing
  • Research

The skills developed in this course are valuable in any career involving people and their behaviour.