Pupil Premium Statement 2023-24

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This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. 

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils last academic year.

The total budgeted cost is £331,782

School overview

School name

Ebbsfleet Academy

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

December 2023

Date on which it will be reviewed

December 2024

Statement authorised by

Gurjit Kaur Shergill

Pupil premium lead

Hugh Macdonald

Governor / Trustee lead

Sukaina Sesay

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year
If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


part a: pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across the curriculum, particularly in EBacc subjects, and that the gap between pupil premium students (PP) and non-pupil premium students (NPP) is closed. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attainers. 

The DFE 2022 Performance Tables examinations demonstrated a clear gap between the achievement of PP and NPP pupils, where PP students achieved a progress 8 score of -0.62 and NPP was -0.13. Furthermore, there was significant variation between the Attainment 8 for NPP (47.86)  and PP (35.24) pupils. It is accepted that there is a need to narrow this gap and raise the performance of outcomes for both PP and NPP pupils. 2023 data shows NPP progress as 0.31 and PP progress as -0.84. The Attainment 8 figure for NPP was 48.66 and for PP was 29.95.

High-quality teaching is at the heart of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged pupils require the most support. This is proven to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit the non-disadvantaged pupils in our school. Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that non-disadvantaged pupils’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers. The focus on teaching aligns with the tiered approach and guidance provided by the DFE (2022a) and EEF (2022a). A number of strategies have been implemented, which can be seen in this document. The strategy focuses on long term progress alongside immediate improvement.

Our approach will be responsive to common challenges and individual needs, rooted in robust diagnostic assessment, not assumptions about the impact of disadvantage. The approaches we have adopted complement each other to help pupils excel. To ensure they are effective we will:

  • ensure disadvantaged pupils are challenged in the work that they’re set
  • act early to intervene at the point need is identified
  • adopt a whole school approach in which all staff take responsibility for disadvantaged pupils’ outcomes and raise expectations of what they can achieve


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.


Detail of challenge

  1. A variation in the attainment and progress of NPP and PP pupils

To achieve equality in terms of progress for both disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils. Having completed a number of assessments and observations it is apparent that PP pupils have lower levels of literacy compared to their non-disadvantaged peers. In practical terms without narrowing the gap between pupils the rate of progress remains lower for PP pupils.

2. To help develop the self-regulation strategies of pupils

To ensure that all disadvantaged pupils receive high quality teaching and learning. It was previously observed that many of the lower attaining disadvantaged pupils lack self-regulation strategies when faced with difficult tasks. This still remains a key priority for all subjects to embed the opportunity for students to become more innately disciplined showing resilience and task completion particularly in reference to extended writing.

3. The number of post-16 students completing level 3 studies

To increase the percentage of disadvantaged pupils who continue with post-16 study. It is vital the pupils maintain levels of academic curiosity and realise the opportunities available to them at KS5. By offering a broad options choice at KS5 it is expected that the number of pupils that continue to study at the Academy after completion of their GCSE will increase.

4. Ensure the Wellbeing/Pastoral support of all pupils

To remove the barriers faced by disadvantaged pupils through a two tiered approach of targeted academic support and then wider support (EEF, 2022). As is clear with the national studies PP pupils face greater challenges in their educational journey. 

The impact of COVID on pupils is still present, particularly disadvantaged pupils. Through our continued discussions with parents and pupils, observations and internal assessment have identified that a number of pupils have social and emotional issues anxiety, depression (diagnosed by medical professionals) and low self-esteem. These barriers are significant and if not managed very carefully influence the outcomes for pupils. 

The use of chromebooks has helped with minimising the digital divide between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils. It is now the ambition of the leaders to help develop the digital literacy of parents who will then be able to support and monitor pupils’ out of school work and revision.

5. Improve the attendance of pupils to above the national average

Develop the attendance of disadvantaged pupils so that it is equal to that of non-disadvantaged pupils. In 2021-2022 non-PP attendance was c.93% compared to c. 85% for PP pupils. This difference demonstrates a challenge in terms of attainment due to the strong correlation between positive outcomes and high levels of attendance and punctuality.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended Outcome

Success Criteria

To improve outcomes for PP pupils 

  • Improved performance in externally measured assessment and examinations 
  • Decrease in the internal gap between PP and Non-PP pupils with the academy

Improve the literacy of all pupils across the school and lower the variation in terms of reading ages between PP and NPP

  • To narrow the gap in reading ages of PP KS3 pupils by the end of the year 
  • Improve the performance in English at GCSE 
  • Increase the use of the academy library

Develop targeted academic support for PP pupils

  • Standing agenda point for middle leaders 
  • CPD on how to target PP pupils 
  • Data meetings within departments and also from SLT where PP outcomes are compared with NPP

Improve the quality of teaching and learning

  • Continued effective CPD delivery to all teaching staff 
  • Improved external outcomes for PP students

To achieve and sustain improved attendance for all pupils, particularly our PP pupils.

  • Narrow the gap between non-PP and PP attendance.
  • Improved PP attendance statistics for all year groups 
  • Decrease in the number of persistent absence pupils in line with national average
  • Reduced suspension for PP students

Increase the number of students accessing Level 3 studies/apprenticeships of PP students

  • Greater opportunities for transition classes for KS4 pupils 
  • Increased numbers of applications made to Level 3 KS5 study from Year 11 pupils

To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing for all pupils, including those who are PP.

  • Continue to support pupils through the use of the Endeavour programme 
  • Lower the number of absences for PP students 
  • Increase student satisfaction through assessment of student voice and student feedback 
  • Help to educate parents on how they can support pupils to improve wellbeing and mental health
  • Ensure the PSHE and tutor programme gives time to this important area 

Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £200,000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Expansion of the Senior Leadership Team

As attendance and inclusion are core priorities for the Academy it was viewed that by expanding the SLT the impact of middle leaders and teachers within these core areas will be more impactful. Having additional capacity and strategic leadership enhances the provision and support offered to pupils.

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Recruitment of Lead Practitioners and Directors of Learning

The impact of excellent teaching on student outcomes is clearly established. Where possible the Academy has seeked to improve the staffing available in core subjects to help improve outcomes of PP students. At the same time the additional recruitment of Lead Practitioners has allowed for the adoption of coaching and mentoring for teachers who required additional support with their practice.

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

CPD programme for all teachers

CPD has a positive impact on the outcomes of pupils. In adopting a research-informed approach the Academy is fostering the benefits of forming a Professional Learning Community with shared vision and aims in developing pupils’ outcomes. 

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Purchase of standardised assessments. Training will be provided for staff to ensure assessments are interpreted correctly and data is used appropriately.

Standardised tests can provide reliable insights into the specific strengths and weaknesses of each pupil to help ensure they receive the correct additional support through interventions or teacher instruction.

1, 2, 4 & 5

Implementation of the small school model.

The small school model allows for more bespoke support for students, both pastorally and academically. The LAT small-school model will ensure this.

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Expansion of the attendance team.

Expanded number of staff in the attendance team will allow the robust attendance plans to be implemented thoroughly, including support from Pastoral Leaders.

4 & 5

Philosophy for Children (P4C) strategy

The Academy will invest in training for staff to deliver P4C and then implement a whole-school strategy based on this. This will support our learners with their oracy, reading and reasoning skills. Evidence suggests that a clear P4C strategy can lead to increased student progress (EEF, 2021).

1 & 2

Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £65,000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Endeavour Programme

It is widely acknowledged that all students require targeted support particularly those who are disadvantaged. The smaller targeted groups and methods despite having a higher cost per pupil are necessary to help these pupils improve.

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Digital programmes to support online learning

The need for digital technology is vital for minimising the impact of existing inequalities between pupils. Without narrowing the digital gap the inequality between PP and NPP will only increase (Brossard et al., 2021). The digital programmes also help to minimise the barriers associated with having engaged parents who are able to support on a regular basis. The online platforms help to support all pupils irrespective of parental income providing structure and approaches to help students learn. This includes Bedrock, Sparx Maths, Sparx Reader, Tassomai and Language Nut.

1, 2 & 3

Externally provided intervention programmes

The Academy has made the decision to use the external providers for specific support. For example, the MyTutor programme that helps to provide tailored support to students through online tuition. This tuition would not be an option for PP students due to the associated costs. It is the Academy’s view that by providing pupils with these opportunities the gap between NPP and PP will narrow.

1, 4 & 5

Academic Mentor

The Academy has employed an academic mentor to provide academic support for students, with a focus on Core subjects and study skills.

1 & 3

Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £66,782


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Place2be, Words First, Morphise and YouOwnU

The Place2Be provision which enables the Academy to have an inhouse counsellor. These further interventions allow for bespoke support for students, with a focus on behaviour and wellbeing.

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Support for extracurricular activities

The importance of access and opportunity to engage with co-curricular programmes is linked to wellbeing and motivation. It is the Academy’s aim to ensure that all pupils are able to partake in the clubs offered at the Academy.

1, 2 & 4

Contingency fund for acute issues

Based on our experiences and those of similar schools to ours, we have identified a need to set a small amount of funding aside to respond quickly to needs that have not yet been identified.

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Careers advice provision

The Academy will invest in CXK bespoke Careers advice, so that all Y11 and Y13 students have an advice session. The Academy is also ensuring that the Careers lead is fully trained to provide additional advice.  PP students are offered access to follow-up sessions.

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Additional Pastoral Capacity

The Academy continues to invest in pastoral support by expanding the capacity of the pastoral team, to allow a more proactive response to pastoral support.

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

part b: review of outcomes in the previous academic year

outcomes for disadvantaged pupils

Projected results (at 25/08/23) show a gap between the progress and attainment of PP and non-PP students. P8 for PP students is projected as -0.81, but is 0.29 for non-PP students. PP progress is not far from national average (-0.57), and we will continue to close this gap, and also our own PP/NPP gap. A similar trend is shown for A8 figures, with PP A8 being 31.21 and non-PP A8 being 48.71. There is also variation in the % of students aching 4+ in English and Maths. It is accepted that there is a need to narrow the gap in progress between PP and non-PP students.

Internal assessment across key stages shows variation in the progress between PP and NPP across subjects, but there has been progress. We will continue to monitor the data this academic year to have clarity on the progress of the 3-year plan. We have also seen an increase in the number of lessons identified as high-quality across the academy, which will support the progress in PP data moving forward.

Attendance and behaviour data identifies a gap between PP and NPP students, although we have seen some progress in both areas. Attendance of PP students has improved, and we expect this to remain the trend, with the strategies in place. Our NEET figures have fallen significantly, from 26/09% in 2019, to 7.14% in 2022 and to 0.25% in 2023 – the target is 0%. The engagement of PP students in co-curricular is in line with the NPP, and we are proud of the opportunities that we offer, both in terms of co-curricular clubs and educational visits.

The impact of the COVID pandemic is still seen, particularly in our PP students. We expect to see progress towards all key outcomes in this statement, although accept that there may be areas where progress is stronger than others. We await student published exam results for 2022/23 to add to this statement.

Our pupil premium strategy is constantly under review and there is an ethos of continuous improvement. The academy recognises that with the increases in the numbers of PP students on role, the challenge of increased progress will be equally challenging but essential. The academy strategy is revisited and reviewed throughout the academic year. Aspects that are having a smaller impact are removed, replaced or adapted.

externally provided programmes







Educational Psychologist


further information

The following are also provided to enhance the experience of disadvantaged students at the Academy:

  • Provision of free lunches to students qualifying for free school meals
  • Provision of discretionary bursary payments to sixth form students on free school meals
  • Paying the full cost of trips and activities for students on free school meals/ pupil premium where appropriate.
  • Provision of uniforms, shoes etc. for students on free school meals
  • Access to a broad range of after school activities which broaden the curriculum offered to disadvantaged students.
  • Access to Chromebooks and high-quality revision materials free of charge.


Brossard, M., Carnelli, M., Chaudron, S., Di-Gioia, R., Dreesen, T., Kardefelt-Winther, D., … & Yameogo, J. L. (2021). Digital Learning for Every Child: Closing the Gaps for an Inclusive and Prosperous Future. G20 Insights Policy Brief, September.

Department for Education (DFE, 2022a). (2022). Pupil premium, GOV.UK. GOV.UK. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pupil-premium (Accessed: January 9, 2023). 

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). 2022. Pupil Premium. https://d2tic4wvo1iusb.cloudfront.net/documents/guidance-for-teachers/pupil-premium/Tiered_model_and_menu_of_approaches_1.0_pdf.pdf?v=1649418813. Date Accessed 05/12/22

Hattie, J. (2003). Teachers Make a Difference, What is the research evidence?

Detailed outline of further strategies

Curriculum Development

A focus has been the integration of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to encourage greater autonomy, motivation and freedom for students to choose and take risks in their learning. As the Academy follows the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme at KS3, UDL combines well with the learning aims. In making the learning more tailored to the needs of pupils the gap in attainment between PP and NPP will narrow over the next three years.

To close the reading gap the following approach is being followed in each department. NGRT reading tests will be given to pupils at two points in the year (beginning and end of year). This will allow the Academy to measure the impact of the literacy interventions for all pupils. This is partially significant for PP pupils who have lower average reading ages compared to their non-disadvantaged peers.

Specific phonics training was undertaken for selected SEND and English department staff in July 2022. The training was a response to the 33% and growing numbers of students whose reading ages are two years (2+ years) below their chronological age or EAL DfE category A and B – rendering them not secondary ready or unable to access the curriculum due to language needs. The majority of this cohort of students are PP with some SEND needs. If EAL, some of them are in care after the Ukrainian war with a growing number being from Afghanistan. As a result of the training, we have literacy intervention classes taught by the SENCo, who is an English teacher. The other classes are taught by the Literacy coordinator who is literacy trained, whilst the EAL classes are taught by an MfL teacher (ESOL trained) and supported by the Lead practitioner for English/Literacy. 

Within the academy we have our disruption free learning policy which is designed to maximise the learning in each classroom by keeping disruption to a minimum. When teachers are planning lessons they take into account the needs of the class and design their seating plans accordingly with a focus on students who are PP and their position within the class. Any student who is removed from the class for disrupting learning continues to have access to the lesson material and resources via Google Classroom and the use of their chromebook.

Recruitment and retention of staff

The importance of consistent high quality teaching is regarded as one of the most significant factors in pupil attainment (Hattie, 2003). In curriculum areas where there was a need for improvement, Lead Practitioners have been employed. There have also been appointments of new Directors of Learning in Science and MFL. This demonstrates the Academy’s commitment to improving and raising the standards of teaching and learning. Furthermore, the expansion of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) reflects an additional investment in developing the quality of education provided to all pupils. The impact of these additions will be seen in the externally published results but through a narrowing of the gap in attainment between PP and non-PP pupils within each year group.

Professional Development

Disciplinary Literacy has been the focus across the Leigh Academy Trust meaning that all teachers have been given multiple CPD on this priority topic. The sessions are aimed at helping teachers improve their practice through improved pedagogical knowledge and approaches to teaching literacy in all subjects. 

Internally, a core focus for staff development has been on the formation of interdisciplinary literacy across the academy where teachers have provided opportunities for students to enhance their language acquisition in subjects through Bedrock at KS3 and academic reading in tutor time. Additionally, the Frayer Model is used in all Year 7 lessons to help improve pupils’ understanding of key tier two and three vocabulary; as well as DARTs strategies to support reading in lessons

The importance of effective feedback and marking has been a focus for CPD with teachers aiming for greater consistency in their approach towards marking. When combined with the subject mastery assessments at KS3 this has improved the cycles of learning an assessment across the Academy. Subsequently, it is easier to intervene (both within and outside of the class) in a more targeted manner from earlier in the pupils’ development through the school. 

The skills and competencies taught in the Middle Year Programme and the sequences of the curriculum at KS3 helps to consider both the local context and cultural capital of the pupils. In following a targeted and specific curriculum the impact from lessons and modules of work will enable pupils to achieve the best possible outcomes each year.

Focus on Technology use in the classroom

All schools within the Leigh Academy Trust provide pupils with a Google Chromebook. This helps to minimise the differences between PP and non-PP pupils in terms of access to technology. It also allows pupils to have access to a wide range of online homework resources such as Sparx Maths, Tassomai and Seneca to help further improve the outcomes of all pupils. 

Digital learning has been promoted since April to support all pupils to access the curriculum and build independence. All pupils now make use of electronic resources in lessons alongside ubiquitous use of  google classroom.  

Staff and pupils have been trained on how to use the Google ‘read and write tool’ to help support pupils with understanding of key vocabulary. Furthermore this tool also helps to provide additional support for EAL learners and those with lower reading ages. 

The purchase of Sparx and Tassomi at KS3 is aimed at helping to develop the impact of independent and home learning due to the structure these online programmes provide. Additionally, this helps to minimise the need for parental support due to the self-guidance and tuition provided by the artificial intelligence  within these online platforms.

The second wave of the PPG strategy focuses on:


Specific KS3/KS4 EAL interventions run twice weekly by the qualified language teacher who has additional training and certification in ESOL teaching 

Small group literacy intervention designed to make accelerated progress with reading ages run in KS3 is run by qualified English teachers. 

Numeracy intervention delivered through Sparx Maths.  Additional capacity in the maths department is used for small group withdrawal from maths lessons in Year 7.  

Tassomai quizzing software runs in KS3 English, Maths and Science and KS4 English, Maths, Science, Geography, History and Computer Science to help accelerate progress. 

Speech and language therapist sessions working with students and providing CPD to staff. 

MyTutor – Weekly online tuition sessions delivered to Year 11 PP pupils across English, Maths and Science. The purpose of these sessions is to ensure the most disadvantaged pupils are accessing effective consistent weekly tuition irrespective of their parents’ income and capacity.

Teaching assistant deployment and interventions
  • Within class, discreet support to embed strategies and support personalised targets that students are working towards, in line with diagnosis and need.
  • One to one and small group tuition, working in conjunction with class teachers, as based on the EEF TA deployment recommendations. 
  • Morning meet and greets: developing resilience and confidence in students in order to promote a sense of self-worth and confidence. 
  • Homework support: bi-weekly sessions to support those students who need more bespoke guidance with homework and to reinforce key skills. 
  • Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) also deploy specific interventions, overseen by the SENCo and SALT.
Interventions cont.

Dyscalculia and Numeracy Intervention: precision teaching based intervention designed to reinforce and over teach core maths skills, which a lack of acquisition of, poses the most significant barrier to progress.

Literacy Intervention: precision teaching based intervention designed to reinforce and over teach core literacy skills, which a lack of acquisition of, poses the most significant barrier to progress.

Phonics Programme: 1:1 and small group sessions to support those students who do not have a sound understanding of phonics upon entering secondary school, or whose barrier is due to EAL. 

Fine Motor and Handwriting Intervention: weekly sessions to reinforce the acquisition of bi-lateral movement and refine fine motor skills in order to support handwriting and other associated activities requiring fine motor skills.

Finally the third wave targets the wider needs of pupils through: 

Supporting pupils’ social, emotional and behavioural needs

The on site Endeavour Programme within this wider approach within the Academy offers: 

External programmes available to pupils include the following: 

  • You Own U: Self development programme for improved mental health and wellbeing. You Life Guidance 
  • Place2Be: Mental Health Support (5 days a week) – Place2Be 
  • Words First: SALT- Words First 
  • Educational Psychologist: The Academy has purchased 6 days of educational psychology time through Creative Solutions. The Academy works directly with a designated educational psychologist, Alicja Jedrzejewska. This offers a range of support, from full cognitive assessments, to observations, supervision of the SENCo and surgeries. This allows identification of those students with suspected SEN, as well providing expert advice to ensure strategies and interventions are appropriate.  www.creativepsych.co.uk
Supporting good attendance

Attendance is a core priority and target for this strategy. The expansion of the SLT has allowed for the formation of an Assistant Principal role responsible for the implementation of  both inclusion and attendance strategies. The Academy’s approach to improve the overall attendance statistics of all pupils is based on a four-tier escalation system. The purpose of the attendance policy is to work collaboratively with parents to improve the attendance of their child. This requires a discovery of the core reasoning for absence alongside the implementation of interventions or reporting systems to help improve the overall attendance figures. 

In a practical sense interventions include, and are not limited to: 

  • Collaboration with shareholders to update and implement the attendance policy
  • Relaunch of food banks to support the most in need parents 
  • Morning home visits for those not attending regularly 
  • Preemptive calls using the additional capacity in the admin team and pastoral teams 
  • Parental meetings
  • Late detentions run by Attendance Manager. These aim to uncover causes of persistent lateness and add to follow up actions. Automated on Bromcom with the facility to escalate to after school detentions if students do not attend in the first instance
  • Rewards systems recognising improved as well as excellent attendance. Linked to and referenced in the Ebbsfleet Rewards Policy 
  • Day three message to highlight the potential safeguarding follow up
  • Tutors provided with scripts around how to facilitate attendance conversations
  • Standing agenda item for middle leaders line management 
  • Daily calls home to discuss via LSA’s for SEND students. 
Extracurricular activities

We believe in providing additional opportunities outside of our curriculum that will allow students to explore new hobbies, skills and sports. The enrichment programme is updated every two modules. Pupils can attend as many activities as they like each week, and all students are encouraged to attend at least one opportunity. 

There are a range of extracurricular opportunities open to pupils, both sporting and non-sporting. At lunchtimes, students are able to play football, basketball, badminton and dodgeball. There is also a Sparx Maths club and Chess club (EA6) which run at lunch times. Sporting opportunities include: football club, basketball club, trampolining, boxing club, rugby club and archery. Non-sporting opportunities include: choir, drama, debating, creative writing, Maths problem solving, dance, DofE and investment. The library is also open every lunchtime and there is a library homework club after school each day.

Pupils can sign up to activities through the student Bromcom system or through the parent MCAS app. This is used to monitor attendance and to support increased engagement from students.

There are also multiple competitive events that take place, including LAT sports events, as well as National archery competitions and sports fixtures against other schools in football and basketball.

Student leadership

There is a school council which is formed of pupils from all year groups, that is representative of the school community. There is one elected member from each tutor group who attends council meetings which provides student voice and shares ideas for improvement from their tutor group. Additionally, there are head students who apply and are elected by the Leadership Team.

Trips and visits

There are a number of day trips and residentials that run, both core curriculum and extra-curricular. PP pupils are supported so that they attend core curriculum trips, and there is support to ensure they can also attend extra-curricular trips. Examples of trips that run include: Geography core curriculum investigations, Barcelona residential, University careers fair, Chatham Dockyard and the Globe Theatre.

Extended school time, including summer schools

MyTutor is being used as part of the National Tutoring Programme (NTP). We are running 3:1 tutoring sessions across Maths, English and Science.  The provision is partly funded by the NTP, with the remainder funded by the Academy. The focus is on the more able students including PP, aiming to lead to an increase in % 7+ in core subjects.

Summer School – All incoming Year 7 pupils are invited to participate in our annual Summer School which offers a blend of academic learning and enrichment activities to all of our new Year 7 students.   This opportunity is an integral part of our transition package and, in addition, the summer school provides an opportunity for:

  • Pupils to recover missed learning and development 
  • Improving physical and mental health, wellbeing and educational engagement 
  • Support of disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils
  • Aid transition for our new Year 7 students through forging relationships with new teachers and familiarising themselves with their new school.
Half-term Year 11 and Year 13 interventions

During the October Half-term interventions were run in: Art, Geography, Food, Religious Studies, BTEC Sport, Product Design and Year 13 Maths. The purpose of the programme was to close gaps in knowledge. Further half-term revision programmes will be run during the coming academic year.

Revision Guides

Revision guides have been supplied to PP students in some subjects. After an assessment of the impact of this measure the purchasing of revision guides may be explained to all subjects. All KS4, Looked After Pupils were supplied with revision guides in all of their subjects to support them with their studies.

Breakfast clubs and meal provision

All Free School Meals eligible students are provided with supermarket vouchers to cover the holiday periods as part of the KCC Winter grant scheme.  Additionally all free school meals students are sent HAF vouchers.  These are vouchers, provided by KCC, cover attendance at the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme in Kent, which focuses on children’s physical health and wellbeing by providing healthy food and exciting activities for children and young people during the school holidays.

Communicating with and supporting parents

As an Academy we are eager to continue to improve the communication between families and staff particularly the families of  more disadvantaged pupils where this relationship is crucial for success. We have a policy whereby parental queries are answered within 48 hours but additionally this year we have offered leadership workshop sessions for parents. The workshops cover a range of topics that enable parents to best support their child including, amongst other things, revision approaches and how to support wellbeing and mental health.

Careers and guidance

We work with CXK Ltd to offer Career Guidance to our Key Stage 4 pupils. Advisers come into Ebbsfleet Academy and run group or 1:1 sessions depending on the needs of pupils. The Academy is also supported by The Education People, their Engagement Officer works 1:1 with pupils who are identified as potential NEET pupils.