Examination Guidance

External Examinations

Contingency Day

These are now timetabled for the afternoon of the 11 June as well as the day of 25 June 2025. The designation of a ‘contingency day’ within the common examination timetable is in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom. It is part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for examinations. Centres must therefore remind candidates that they must remain available until Wednesday 25 June 2025, should an awarding body need to invoke its contingency plan.

Please can all students/ parents/ carers make a note of the contingency exam date in the event that an awarding body needs to invoke its contingency plan.

Result days –  2025 Examinations 

Level 3 – A Levels / BTEC / LIBF: Results will be available for collection on Thursday 14 August from 9am – Main Hall

Level 2 – GCSE / BTEC Techs: Results will be available for collection from 9.00am on Thursday 21 August from the Main Hall.

Staff will be available to deal with any specific exam / careers related guidance you may require. 



Statement of Results 

On results day you will receive a ‘Statement of Results’. THIS IS NOT YOUR FINAL CERTIFICATE.  The statement lists ALL the exams you have taken and any components within the qualification.

You will receive an overall results sheet, and then an overall results sheet per examination board.

Post Results Service Information

More information for 24/25 to follow


Certificates are received in school during November and leavers will be invited in to collect them once ready. Those that stay on in the sixth form will be issued out during form time during this period.

JCQ regulations state that certificates should be kept for 12 months. If they remain uncollected they must be disposed of securely.

If someone other then the student is to collect the certificates, the student must advise the exam officer by letter or by their own email and the person collecting must bring photo ID with them.

Certificates are important documents.  Most educational institutions and potential employers will ask to see your original certificates.  If you lose or fail to collect your Certificates, you will need to obtain duplicates from the relevant Awarding Body. The Awarding Bodies no longer replicate certificates unless you can prove they were destroyed by theft, fire or flood; they will only issue a Statement of Achievement.  This currently costs in the region of £43.00 per ‘Statement of Achievement’.

Helpful Links

Mock Exams

Year 11 and Year 13 Mock Exams: 

  • Monday 3rd February – Friday 7th February 2025

Year 10 and Year 12 Mock Exams:

  • In class Monday 9th June – Friday 13th June 2025
  • In hall Monday 16th June – Tuesday 26th June 2025

All morning exams will begin immediately after lining up for tutor.